Coordinator Pete Nugent camping at Masons Campsite
"In winter this ridge almost perfectly defines the line between walking and mountaineering"
The idea is to do an exchange trip between the two. A reasonablystraighforward SRT trip. Meet Inglesports café, Ingleton at 09:30.
Lots of nice interesting bouldering scattered all around, potential for some new harder lines possibly. Coordinator : Mark Trickett
This is a classic SRT trip with a big pitch and some interestng deviations to negoiate while descending the Fall Pot pitch. Meet Claphamcar park 09:30. Please let me know if you are coming.
A big classic SRT pitch involving some “interestng” traverses inroof spaces. Meet Inglesports café, Ingleton at 09:30. Please let me know if you are coming.
Basically I've a list of jamming routes in the Peak and each is given a score depending on how much and how good the jamming is. Grades are irrelevant. People gather as many points as they can during the day. Jam inspired prizes at end of day. Including the Jammy Dodgers who choose to climb […]
Basically a list of jamming routes in the Peak and each is given a score depending on how much and how good the jamming is. Grades are irrelevant. People gather as many points as they can during the day. Jam inspired prizes at end of day. Including the Jammy Dodgers who choose to climb anything […]
Basically a list of jamming routes in the Peak and each is given a score depending on how much and how good the jamming is. Grades are irrelevant. People gather as many points as they can during the day. Jam inspired prizes at end of day. Including the Jammy Dodgers who choose to climb anything […]